Many of the project options settings are surfaced by the IDE’s Open Tools interface, but they are not hooked to any code that allows experts to get and set the values. Most of these issues are fixed in Delphi 5.01 and C++Builder 5, but not all of them. If you notice some options that have no effect when you apply a project option set, you are likely experiencing this IDE bug, so please upgrade. Settings that apparently do not work in Delphi 5.00 include Assertions, GenConsoleApp LocalSymbols, IOChecks, LongStrings, Optimization, OverflowChecks, RangeChecks, StackFrames, UnitDebugInfo, UnitAliases, TypedAddress, SafeDivide, LibPath, LibraryList, ReferenceInfo, PentiumFloat, LinkDebugVcl, ExtendedSyntax, DebugPath, BoolEval, etc.