GExperts is provided to developers free of charge in both source code and binary format. Before downloading, you must read and agree to the license agreement.
Before installing any new version, please backup and then uninstall any older versions of GExperts.
See the Developer FAQ for Subversion information and instructions on how to obtain the latest source code. Please read Documentation\SourceCode.txt before attempting to compile GExperts.
To get the latest builds (potentially unstable, but mostly good) you can download the continuous builds which are created autmatically as soon new code is checked into the master branch.
There is also a utility to convert your Favorite Files, Code Librarian, and Code Proofreader data files from the GExperts 1.1 format to the GExperts 1.2 format.
You can also download the old source used in GExperts 1.1, but please don’t use this source as a foundation for future work.
Here is a collection of Delphi code snippets that integrate into the GExperts Code Librarian. These code snippets can be freely distributed and used in your programs:
All versions of GExperts for Delphi 3 require Delphi 3.02. All versions of GExperts for Delphi 4 require Delphi 4.03. Please upgrade at The FAQ can help you with any problems. Please do not report bugs or request features for these old versions.
GExperts .90h for Delphi 2 (1.12 MB) is the last version to support Delphi 2, but is completely unsupported and is no longer maintained.
Just in case you are nostalgic for 1997, you can also download GExperts .72 for both Delphi 2 and Delphi 3.